Author Guide

The Author's Guide To Using Stories That Excite and Engage

Want to connect with your audience?

Create an emotional connection, to build trust and credibility and help the other person feel something towards you (other than just scared or bored)


Imagine meeting someone for the first time and within five minutes they ask you to marry them.

Feels kind of weird and awkward, right? A bit icky?

It probably turns you off from that person and leaves you wondering, ‘What just happened?’, even if they list all the reasons why getting hitched might be a good idea.

It is no different when you are writing to someone, whether in a blog post, article, book, or even a sales email.

If you jump in too soon and overload your reader (your date) with a sell, some hard-hitting information, or boring facts and stats without first holding their hand, getting to know them, and creating some common ground then they are going to put down what they’re reading and run in the other direction, never to be seen again.

You’ve got to spend time at the start creating a bond with your reader.

You have to create an emotional connection, to build trust and credibility and help the other person feel something towards you (other than just scared or bored).

The best way to do this is by telling them a story.

So I've put together this free guide on using stories to help you.

In it, you'll discover:

- what the 5 types of stories are you need to write
- what each is best used for (e.g. credibility, personality, connection)
- how to apply the stories using real examples of each
- how to use the Story Sample Cheatsheet next time you write.

Click the yellow button on the top, right-hand side to download and use the guide now.
