Image of a dark haired man working on a table with book in front and a typewriter beside him

How to get out of toxic productivity when writing

"Do NOT leave this chair until you finish writing this chapter!"

That's exactly what my head used to scream at me.

"You do not deserve a break."

I was the worst self-punisher. I would literally sit at my desk for hours, trying so hard to write something, anything, and mostly ended up faced with a blank screen.

(Is it any wonder? I mean, all that pressure...)

We are our own worst enemies when it comes to being productive.

We berate ourselves. We doubt ourselves. We punish ourselves and make it WORSE.

That's why last week, we were super pumped to host the wonderful Nathan Sudds from my number-one productivity platform Focusmate.

In fact, I handed over the reins to Nathan. to host the last day of our weekly Writing Sprint in a special 2-hour session.

We explored:

  • What holds us back when it comes to productivity and focus - e.g. our emotional kryptonite
  • How we get over our blockers, by recognising we are human and it is a human problem (NOT a productivity one)
  • How we learn to build a "System of self" to help - e.g. "When I feel X, then I do Y" (for me, my Y is surfing!)

I would love to share the below snippet of wisdom with you.

Because if you only do one thing today it is this:
Redefine your relationship with productivity.

Please share your thoughts, ideas and comments on the Kelly Irving Facebook Page.


The 5-Step Structure

to Write Anything

Kelly Irving

I’m an editor and writing coach with a love for deep-diving into brains and businesses. Through my one-to-one work and online program, I provide an action-by-action process that speeds up the time it takes to produce your best book, and turns overwhelm and self-doubt into momentum and excitement for writing.

The 5-Step Structure To Write Absolutely Anything by Book Coach Kelly Irving

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